Saturday, February 27, 2016


Last night I went shopping. I had a fun time and I did have a lot of gift cards to use. First I went to 'Barnes and Nobles'. I got two paperbacks. I got 'Go Ask Alice' and 'Mosquitoland'. 'Go Ask Alice' is about a girl who writes about her experience with drugs, its basically here diary. This book is written by Anonymous because these are true events that did happen to this author in real life. 'Mosquitoland' is about a girl who's parents are split apart, suddenly her mom gets sick and she takes a bus to go see her. On this bus the girl meets some pretty interesting people and the novel is basically about this girl trying to figure out if she is going to be okay or not through all of this. So those are the things I got at 'Barnes and Nobles'. I also got some workout clothes at 'Kohl's' but nobody wants to here about that. YOU GUYS WANT TO HERE ABOUT THE BOOKS! I hope you guys enjoyed this entry, I'm sorry I don't have any other exciting things to talk to you guys about. 

                                                                                                                           Thanks for listening,
                                                                                                                                 Your cheap friend

Friday, February 26, 2016

Frankie Valli

I think that 'Recommendations Thursday' was a very good idea. I'm not getting much feedback but I am going to keep going on this blog. Even if absolutely no one is reading this. Do people even still read blogs anymore? I don't even know. How was your day? You should tell me, I would really like to know. I was having a fun and happy day up until play practice. Yeah I'm doing a play but I'm stage crew so I'm the real stuff (not really). So I used to like this guy who is one of the big parts in the play. I still kind of like him, but whatever. This guy is really into classic music like, The Beatles, Frank Sinatra, etc. He asked me what kind of music I listened to, so I was going over my list of music and I thought of something. Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. I love Frankie Valli so much I could just die. From the moment I heard them in the beginning of 'Dirty Dancing' I was in love. So I thought, 'I should totally tell him that I like Frankie Valli this would totally impress him. So I told him, and he didn't believe me. That's when I should have listed 10 songs but I didn't. Because I am to much of a wimp. But now thinking about I know I should have screamed to the top of my lips, 'Ohhhhhh Dawn, go away I'm no good for you!'. But no. I need to have more self confidence. Thanks for being here on my crazy Frankie Valli inspired adventure. I'm really mad. Give me your feedback.

                                                                                                       Thanks for listening,
                                                                                                                       Your angry friend.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Recommendations Thursday

Every Thursday I will be doing something called, 'Recommendations Thursday'. On Thursdays I will be recommending to you some of my favorite reads so that maybe this could help you figure out about some new books that you would be interested in. Every month I will have a theme. The end of February and all of March's theme will be Contemporary. So every Thursday in these two months I will be recommending one Contemporary novel. The best part about 'Recommendations Thursday' is that you can comment on my posts about books you want me to read and recommend and review for you guys, you can also give your input on the books that I recommend in the comments. I have a feeling that this is going to be fun and interactive for everyone, not just me. So in case your wondering what today is its 'Recommendations Thursday' and I will be recommending a Contemporary novel for you today.

The Contemporary novel I will be recommending to you today would be 'Better of Friends' by. Elizabeth Eulberg. 'Better of Friends' is about a girl and a boy who have been friends since middle school. They have been close all there lives. They never even thought about liking each other. Until now. Its just a story about friendship, hardship, and love and the ways they all tie in together. I really do recommend it. It really raises the question of, 'Can a guy and a girl just be friends?'. I really love Elizabeth Eulbergs writing in general though because it a lot of rom-comy (romantic comedy) and cutesy and just amazing. Elizabeth Eulberg can defiantly help you get over a book hangover. I thought it would be a fun and new idea for you to see others people opinions on this books so I will be putting a 'Goodreads' link down below. I will also be putting 'Barnes and Nobles' and 'Amazon' links to this book down below just in case you wanted to buy it.


 Barnes and Nobles

I hope you enjoyed this edition of 'Recommendations Thursday' and make sure to tell me your suggestions and thoughts in the comments.

                                                                                           Thanks for listening,
                                                                                                              Your Recommendation Friend

Tuesday, February 23, 2016


I hope you enjoy this new blog I created. I mean I certainly enjoy writing on it myself. I've been through a few things in my life and I felt if I let my feeling out then maybe I could get some relief.

                                                                                       Thanks for listening, 
                                                                                                                         Your Sad Friend