Friday, February 26, 2016

Frankie Valli

I think that 'Recommendations Thursday' was a very good idea. I'm not getting much feedback but I am going to keep going on this blog. Even if absolutely no one is reading this. Do people even still read blogs anymore? I don't even know. How was your day? You should tell me, I would really like to know. I was having a fun and happy day up until play practice. Yeah I'm doing a play but I'm stage crew so I'm the real stuff (not really). So I used to like this guy who is one of the big parts in the play. I still kind of like him, but whatever. This guy is really into classic music like, The Beatles, Frank Sinatra, etc. He asked me what kind of music I listened to, so I was going over my list of music and I thought of something. Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. I love Frankie Valli so much I could just die. From the moment I heard them in the beginning of 'Dirty Dancing' I was in love. So I thought, 'I should totally tell him that I like Frankie Valli this would totally impress him. So I told him, and he didn't believe me. That's when I should have listed 10 songs but I didn't. Because I am to much of a wimp. But now thinking about I know I should have screamed to the top of my lips, 'Ohhhhhh Dawn, go away I'm no good for you!'. But no. I need to have more self confidence. Thanks for being here on my crazy Frankie Valli inspired adventure. I'm really mad. Give me your feedback.

                                                                                                       Thanks for listening,
                                                                                                                       Your angry friend.

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